Friday, February 27, 2009

Protest or Celebration?

Today's rally was originally intended as a protest against planned cuts in community college funding, but last week the state legislature, in a rather unusual move, passed next year's budget several months early, and it is surprisingly generous to community colleges given the cuts being made in other areas.

In a quick about-face, the rally became a celebration of community colleges and a thank you to the state for having recognized the contribution community colleges can make to California's economic recovery.

Speakers nonetheless mentioned economic hardships their schools continue to suffer, and a group of students from West Los Angeles College interrupted Dat Phan's routine with the chant, "They say 'cut back,' we say 'fight back!'"

They later expressed concerned that the budget, which seems like a good deal for community colleges now, will be revised in May. That's the month in which the governor usually presents revisions to the proposal he's required to present to the legislature in January. It's also the month voters will either approve or disapprove of the state's plan to borrow against lottery monies.

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